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Week 5 Search Server Template Template
#! /usr/bin/env python3

# Import the core Python modules for ROS and to implement ROS Actions:
import rospy
import actionlib

# Import all the necessary ROS message types:
from tuos_msgs.msg import SearchAction, SearchFeedback, SearchResult, SearchGoal

# Import the tb3 modules from
from tb3 import Tb3Move, Tb3Odometry, Tb3LaserScan

# Import some other useful Python Modules
from math import sqrt, pow

class SearchActionServer():
    feedback = SearchFeedback() 
    result = SearchResult()

    def __init__(self):
        ## TODO: create a "simple action server" with a callback function, and start it...
        self.actionserver = actionlib.SimpleActionServer(...)

        # pull in some useful publisher/subscriber functions from the module:
        self.vel_controller = Tb3Move()
        self.tb3_odom = Tb3Odometry()
        self.tb3_lidar = Tb3LaserScan()

        rospy.loginfo("The 'Search Action Server' is active...")

    # The action's "callback function":
    def action_server_launcher(self, goal: SearchGoal):
        rate = rospy.Rate(10)

        ## TODO: Implement some checks on the "goal" input parameter(s)
        success = True
        if goal...

            success = False

        if not success:
            ## TODO: abort the action server if an invalid goal has been requested...


        ## TODO: Print a message to indicate that the requested goal was valid

        # Get the robot's current odometry from the Tb3Odometry() class:
        self.posx0 = self.tb3_odom.posx
        self.posy0 = self.tb3_odom.posy
        # Get information about objects up ahead from the Tb3LaserScan() class:
        self.closest_object = self.tb3_lidar.min_distance
        self.closest_object_location = self.tb3_lidar.closest_object_position

        ## TODO: set the robot's forward velocity (as specified in the "goal")...

        ## TODO: establish a conditional statement so that the  
        ## while loop continues as long as the distance to the closest object
        ## ahead of the robot is always greater than the "approach distance"
        ## (as specified in the "goal")...
        while {something} > {something_else}:
            # update LaserScan data:
            self.closest_object = self.tb3_lidar.min_distance
            self.closest_object_location = self.tb3_lidar.closest_object_position

            ## TODO: publish a velocity command to make the robot start moving 

            # check if there has been a request to cancel the action mid-way through:
            if self.actionserver.is_preempt_requested():
                ## TODO: take appropriate action if the action is cancelled (peempted)...

                success = False
                # exit the loop:

            # determine how far the robot has travelled so far:
            self.distance = sqrt(pow(self.posx0 - self.tb3_odom.posx, 2) + pow(self.posy0 - self.tb3_odom.posy, 2))

            ## TODO: update all feedback message values and publish a feedback message:

            ## TODO: update all result parameters:


        if success:
            rospy.loginfo("approach completed successfully.")
            ## TODO: Set the action server to "succeeded" and stop the robot...

if __name__ == '__main__':


The template above uses the module from the tuos_examples package, which contains various helper functions to make the robot move and to read data (a.k.a. subscribe) from some key topics that will be useful for the task at hand. To use this, you'll need to copy the module across to your own week5_actions/src folder so that your node can import it. In TERMINAL 2, copy the .py file as follows:

cp ~/catkin_ws/src/tuos_ros/tuos_examples/src/ ~/catkin_ws/src/week5_actions/src/

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