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Launching Other Launch Files

Think back to the node that you created in Week 2. We need a simulation of our robot active in order to run this, which we can enable with the following command (which you should be very familiar with by now):

$ roslaunch turtlebot3_gazebo turtlebot3_empty_world.launch

Suppose you wanted to save yourself some work and launch both the simulation and the node at the same time...

  1. Firstly, return to your week2_navigation package and create a launch directory (if you haven't done so previously):

    roscd week2_navigation
    mkdir launch
    cd launch/

  2. Then create a launch file. You could call this whatever you want, but for the purposes of this example we'll create one called circle.launch:

    touch circle.launch
  3. Inside this file add the following:

      <include file="$(find turtlebot3_gazebo)/launch/turtlebot3_empty_world.launch" />
      <node pkg="week2_navigation" type="" name="circle_node" output="screen" />

    The <node> tag should already be familiar to you, but the <include> tag before it might not be...

    This is what we use to launch other launch files. Here, we are locating the turtlebot3_gazebo package (using find), and asking for the turtlebot3_empty_world.launch file to be executed.

  4. From the command-line, execute your newly created launch file as follows:

    roslaunch week2_navigation circle.launch

    The TurtleBot3 Waffle will be launched in the "empty world" simulation, and the robot will start moving in a circle straight away!